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The importance of GPS car trackers

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) has become quite important, even indispensable, for many individuals and companies, such as GPS car trackers.


6 November 2017

IT IS hard to imagine a world without Global Positioning Systems (GPS). GPS has become quite important, even indispensable, for many individuals and companies, with devices such as GPS car trackers.

Here we explain how GPS tracking works and round up of some of the key reasons why GPS tracking is so important for cars:

How does GPS tracking work?

A GPS tracking device is a portable device that can be attached to a person or object. GPS tracking systems are connected to a world wide navigation system, which is supported by a number of satellites. These satellites transmit signals to GPS devices all over the world, which then provide historic or live information about the movement of a person or object.

GPS tracking in vehicles can tell the speed, location and direction of travel, and provides maps and directions that help motorists plan their journey.

Why is GPS tracking so important?

Vehicle security remains a key issue for many people and police forces, especially in light of a recent crime survey showing that around 4 in 100 households had been victims of vehicle-related theft in England and Wales in the year ending March 2017.

GPS tracking can help individuals and law enforcement agencies find stolen cars more quickly. This is because GPS devices can be synchronised to a car owner’s smartphone, and the car owner is immediately alerted once the car starts to move.

Car owners who have not authorised anyone to move their car can then take immediate action, for example, by notifying the police.

The GPS device continues to transmit live data about the location and direction of the vehicle, which means the car can be tracked down much quicker than if it was not fitted with a GPS device.

Insurance premiums and claims

When insurance companies set car insurance premiums, they look at a number of factors, such as the security of the vehicle and the likelihood of theft or damage. The less secure the vehicle, the higher the premium.

Fitting your vehicle with a GPS device can reduce the amount of insurance premium you pay, because a GPS device increases the chances of your vehicle being recovered if it is stolen.

Some insurance companies also request as a policy condition that vehicles are fitted with security and tracking devices, like GPS devices. If you were to make a claim on your insurance policy and your insurer discovers that your vehicle was not fitted with these devices, they may refuse to pay out on your policy, which could leave you in a tight corner.

If you also had to make a claim that the other driver at fault is disputing, the data from your GPS could help show the direction and speed at which you were travelling.

Business efficiency

Trackers help commercial companies keep track of the location of their vehicles, which is particularly helpful for companies with a large fleet of vehicles, who may have many of their vehicles out on the road at any given time.

Companies can use trackers to monitor their vehicles, so they can update customers about the location of items being delivered, manage customer expectation about the arrival of service people on call out duties, or use the data to verify timesheets submitted by employees.

Travel planning

GPS devices can help motorists locate the nearest services and other important places, like hospitals and restaurants. They can also help people find their destination if new to an area, get up to date travel information and plan their journey properly.

Trackershop stocks a wide range of GPS trackers for your car, many of which are insurance approved. Shop our range today.

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